my_set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
print("Step 1 - Initial set:", my_set)
print("Step 2 - After adding 6:", my_set)
print("Step 3 - After removing 2:", my_set)
union_set = my_set.union({7, 8, 9})
print("Step 4 - Union with {7, 8, 9}:", union_set)
print("Step 5 - After clearing the set:", my_set)
bonus_set = {1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4}
print("Bonus - Set with duplicates:", bonus_set)
print("Bonus - Length of set:", len(bonus_set))
my_string = "Learning Python is not fun"
print("Step 1 - Initial string:", my_string)
string_length = len(my_string)
print("Step 2 - String length:", string_length)
sliced_string = my_string[9:15]
print("Step 3 - Sliced string (Python):", sliced_string)
uppercase_string = my_string.upper()
print("Step 4 - Uppercase string:", uppercase_string)
replaced_string = my_string.replace("fun", "good")
print("Step 5 - Replaced string:", replaced_string)
reversed_string = my_string[::-1]
print("Bonus - Reversed string:", reversed_string)
my_list = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
print("Step 1 - Initial list:", my_list)
third_element = my_list[2]
print("Step 2 - Third element:", third_element)
my_list[1] = 6
print("Step 3 - After modifying second element:", my_list)
print("Step 4 - After appending 13:", my_list)
print("Step 5 - After removing 9:", my_list)
print("Bonus - Sorted list in descending order:", my_list)
personal_info = {
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "",
"phone number": "123-456-7890"
print("Step 2 - Personal Info Dictionary:", personal_info)
print("Step 3 - My Name is:", personal_info["name"])
dictionary_length = len(personal_info)
print("Step 4 - Length of Dictionary:", dictionary_length)
dictionary_type = type(personal_info)
print("Step 5 - Type of Dictionary:", dictionary_type)
# Bonus
second_personal_info = {
"name": "Jane Smith",
"email": "",
"phone number": "098-765-4321"
print("Bonus - Second Personal Info Dictionary:", second_personal_info)
print("Bonus - First Name:", personal_info["name"], "Second Name:", second_personal_info["name"])
print("Bonus - First Email:", personal_info["email"], "Second Email:", second_personal_info["email"])
print("Bonus - First Phone Number:", personal_info["phone number"], "Second Phone Number:", second_personal_info["phone number"])
# Part 1: Create Personal Info (dict)
personal_info = {
"full_name": "Hannah Li",
"years": 17,
"location": "San Diego",
"favorite_food": "noodles"
print("Part 1 - Personal Info:", personal_info)
# Part 2: Create a List of Activities (list)
activities = ["reading", "basketball", "painting"]
print("Part 2 - Activities List:", activities)
# Part 3: Add Activities to Personal Info (dict and list)
personal_info["activities"] = activities
print("Part 3 - Updated Personal Info with Activities:", personal_info)
# Part 4: Check Availability of an Activity (bool)
activity_available = True # assuming 'cycling' is available today
print(f"Part 4 - Is basketball available today? {activity_available}")
# Part 5: Total Number of Activities (int)
total_activities = len(activities)
print(f"Part 5 - I have {total_activities} activities.")
# Part 6: Favorite Activities (tuple)
favorite_activities = ("reading", "painting")
print("Part 6 - Favorite Activities:", favorite_activities)
# Part 7: Add a New Set of Skills (set)
skills = {"problem-solving", "public speaking", "time management"}
print("Part 7 - Skills Set:", skills)
# Part 8: Consider a New Skill (NoneType)
new_skill = None
print("Part 8 - New Skill:", new_skill)
# Part 9: Calculate Total Hobby and Skill Cost (float)
activity_cost = 5.0 # each activity costs $5
skill_cost = 10.0 # each skill costs $10
total_cost = total_activities * activity_cost + len(skills) * skill_cost
print(f"Part 9 - Total Cost: ${total_cost}")
Part 1 - Personal Info: {'full_name': 'Hannah Li', 'years': 17, 'location': 'San Diego', 'favorite_food': 'noodles'}
Part 2 - Activities List: ['reading', 'basketball', 'painting']
Part 3 - Updated Personal Info with Activities: {'full_name': 'Hannah Li', 'years': 17, 'location': 'San Diego', 'favorite_food': 'noodles', 'activities': ['reading', 'basketball', 'painting']}
Part 4 - Is basketball available today? True
Part 5 - I have 3 activities.
Part 6 - Favorite Activities: ('reading', 'painting')
Part 7 - Skills Set: {'public speaking', 'time management', 'problem-solving'}
Part 8 - New Skill: None
Part 9 - Total Cost: $45.0
let Set1 = new Set([1, 2, 3]);
let Set2 = new Set([4, 5, 6]);
console.log("Set1:", Set1);
console.log("Set2:", Set2);
console.log("Set1 after adding 7 and removing 1:", Set1);
let unionSet = new Set([...Set1, ...Set2]);
console.log("Union of Set1 and Set2:", unionSet);